IOHelper Class

Helper class for System.IO operations.


Namespace: Configuration.Helper
Assembly: Configuration.Helper (in Configuration.Helper.dll) Version: 2.0.5
public static class IOHelper
Object    IOHelper


CheckIfLocalChecks for a local path.
CombineCombines two strings into a path.
DoesDirectoryExistChecks whether a directory exists.
DoesFileExistChecks whether a file exists.
GetDirectoryInfoGets the directory information for a directory name.
GetDirectoryNameReturns the directory name for the specified path string.
GetExtensionReturns the extension of the specified path string.
GetFileInfoGets the file information for a filename.
GetFileNameReturns the file name and extension of the specified path string.
GetFileNamesReturns a file list from the directory matching the given search pattern.
GetFileNameWithoutExtensionReturns the file name of the specified path string without the extension.
GetFullPathReturns the absolute path for the specified path string.
ReadAllText(String)Opens a text file, reads all lines of the file, and then closes the file.
ReadAllText(String, Encoding) Opens a file, reads all lines of the file with the specified encoding, and then closes the file.
RemoveLastDirSeparatorReturns a directory path without any trailing directory separator characters.

See Also