Company Class

This class contains details of a Company.


Namespace: Common.Core.Models
Assembly: Common.Core (in Common.Core.dll) Version: 2.1.5
public class Company : ModelEdit, ICompany
Object    ModelBase    ModelData    ModelEdit    Company


CompanyInitializes a new instance of the Company class


AddressGets or sets the Primary Address.
DepositsBalGets or sets the Deposit Accounts Balance.
DepositsCountGets or sets the number of Deposit Accounts.
EmailGets or sets the Primary Email.
GovernmentNumberGets or sets the Government Number.
IdGets or sets the primary key.
(Overrides ModelDataId)
NaicsCodeGets or sets the NAICS Code.
NameGets or sets the Company Name.
PrimaryPhoneGets or sets the Primary Phone Number.
PrivateGets or sets the Private Company indicator.
SecondaryPhoneGets or sets the Secondary Phone Number.


CloneCreates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
(Overrides ModelEditClone)
EqualsIndicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
(Overrides ModelEditEquals(Object))
GetSerializerOptionsGets the Json serializer options for Company objects.
ReadBuilds a Company object from a database table row.
UpdateUpdates the current object properties from an object of the same type.
(Overrides ModelEditUpdate(Object))
UpdateSQLBuilds the SQL script for any value changes.


cDefaultFileDefault name of the Company data file.

See Also